Cyber Streetwise – 23 shopping days to Christmas

streetwiseCyber Streetwise – only 23 days to Christmas Day !

In January 2014 the government launched a campaign to encourage the way people protect themselves from falling victim to cyber criminals.This is part of the governments’ overall National Cyber Security Programme.

The ‘Cyber Streetwise’ campaign aims to promote “best practice ” in the way people view online safety and provide the public with the skills and knowledge they need to take control of their cyber security. .

Most of us either possess a smartphone , tablet or laptop all of which contain a great deal of our personal data . Cyber Streetwise also aims to helps raise awareness of the importance of keeping your personal data safe and keep it out of the clutches of cyber criminals..

The official Streetwise website offers help and guidance

The Cyber Streetwise campaign underlines that safety precautions taken in the real world that these need to be replicated in the virtual world. Evidence shows that shoppers don’t adopt the same behaviour when shopping online as contrasted with shopping on the High Street. A person wouldn’t walk around with their bag open or wallet on show, yet when shopping online due to the speed of technology, people can be susceptible to unnecessary risk if they are not careful when using their credit card.

There a a number of suggested actions that people can take in order to protect themselves :-

The use of strong, memorable passwords
The installation of anti-virus software on new devices
Ensure that privacy settings are checked on social media
Shop safely online by ensuring that online retail sites are secure
To download software and application patches when prompted
With Christmas almost upon us it is important to be Cyber Streetwise.

As technology develops so do more sophisticated attacks take place in an an effort to access individuals personal data. It is therefore vitally important that precautions are taken to protect this personal data by individuals and businesses being “Cyber Streetwise” in this technology driven world that we now live in.