How is Cyber Crime Policed ?

cyber crime

How is Cyber Crime policed ?

The emergence of cyber crime in the UK with 53% of all crime relating to this form of criminal activity, the need for this to be addressed has called for the adoption of specialist crime units.

Throughout the UK there now exists Regional Cyber Crime Units (RCCU) which have been set up by the National Crime Agency to help combat and manage the effects of cyber crime.

With cyber criminals becoming increasingly sophisticated the RCCU’s have a very important role to play in our society and the business environment.

What is the role of a RCCU?

They normally consist of two main teams :-

Cybercrime Investigation Team  

This team is involved with investigating all forms of cyber related crime that occur within their designated region

Cyber Protect Team 

Advice on to protect individuals and businesses is provided by this team . This is carried out with input and presentations on cyber crime and cyber security.

Within these teams the following is also provided :-

  • The provision  of law enforcement set up and response
  • Advice on current trends and threats that the RCCU is experiencing

Cyber Briefings

Cyber Briefings are published on a monthly basis and distributed to businesses that provide details of current threats, advise and news.

These areas of activity provide invaluable support to those affected by cyber crime and its prevention.

The RCCU look to work with other ancillary cyber related businesses whether they be cyber security firms, risk managers within the insurance industry and their counterparts in other parts of the world. The exchange of data is invaluable in assessing future cyber risks and offering preventative advice and updated guidelines on cyber threats.

The RCCU’s also work closely with a number of bodies that already are helping raise the awareness of cyber risks and share knowledge of emerging threat vectors such as the following:-

Get Safe Online

Cyber Aware

Cyber Information Sharing Partnership ( CiSP)

The challenge that these cyber crime police units face far out weigh the resources that each region has and this represents a stiff challenge with the cyber landscape constantly changing on a daily basis.

CiSP – Cyber Security at your finger tips

Artificial Intelligence

CiSP stands for the Cyber-security Information Sharing Partnership and has been formed jointly by industry and government which sits in CERT-UK.

What is CiSP?

It is an online social networking tool that was established in 2013 which allows members to exchange information on threats and vulnerabilities as they take place. CERT – UK is the national computer emergency response team with a number of responsibilities that stem from the UK Cyber-Security Strategy. It is used by many businesses across industry and provides reports that help its members to improve their awareness of cyber security threats.

Recently the South West Regional Group launch of CiSP took place , this was the 12th and final launch carried out in the UK. This was jointly sponsored by the SW Regional Cyber Crime Unit (RCCU) , CERT-UK and J.P. Morgan (Regional Champion). The profile of the sponsors demonstrates the importance that attaches to CiSP and the impact that is perceived that it can make in developing the cyber security programs of businesses.

Why should you become a member of CiSP?

  • Early warning of cyber threats that may affect businesses
  • Collaboration between businesses and government in a secure environment
  • Ability to help businesses protect their livelihood from cyber threats
  • Businesses can learn from the experiences of others….both mistakes and the successes
  • Availability of specific sector content on cyber threats and incidents that have taken place
  • Businesses that have a small or non-existant cyber security budget can avail themselves of the information
  • Any business can join and benefit from the scheme
  • It costs nothing to become a member and can help a businesses prepare for a cyber attack

CiSP Membership Link

How CiSP can help a Business?

  • Alerts and advisory papers on cyber security
  • Reports om trend threats
  • Malware and phishing e-mail analysis
  • Guidance and best practice on common areas on both a national and global basis

One of the key features is the Fusion Cell that consists of a team of analysts taken from government and industry who provide source analysis of cyber threats and vulnerability updates.

The scheme is aimed at SME’s who are considered one of the most vulnerable business sectors with varying degrees of cyber maturity. It is therefore important that they understand how to protect themselves from cyber attacks and the resulting cyber crime that can occur.

Industry Endorsement

The British Insurance Brokers Association ( BIBA) is going to sponsor its members to join the scheme in order to help improve awareness about cyber cyber risks that exist.

This will no doubt become a common theme within other industries in the future.

Insurance has a role to play 

Cyber insurers and specialist insurance brokers can also contribute to CiSP by providing current data and information of cyber security attacks and data breaches that they have been involved with and managed.